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von James am 02.06.2018 14:55I prepare for the noble war. I'm calm, I know the secret. I know whats coming and I know no one can stop me not even myself. I kill people I like. Some of them beg for their life. I don't feel sad. I don't feel anything. It's a filthy world we live, in its a filthy goddamn world and honestly I feel like I'm helping to take them away from the shit and the piss and the vomit that run through the streets. I'm helping to take them to somewhere clean. There's something about all that blood man I drown it.
Re: Plauderecke
von Tristan am 14.06.2018 20:48Hallo, schön die ersten hier begrüßen zu dürfen :3
Frage - habt ihr davon auch so einen Ohrwurm? :(
You collect us and create us and get us addicted to the light of your love just so you can take it away. You feed off the heartbreak. Knowing we're out there, suffering over you. Well, not me! I was made for more than that. For a real love.
Re: Plauderecke
von Tristan am 15.06.2018 10:09Ich entschuldige mich vielmals
You collect us and create us and get us addicted to the light of your love just so you can take it away. You feed off the heartbreak. Knowing we're out there, suffering over you. Well, not me! I was made for more than that. For a real love.